In my dream We are at a waterpark in Mexico my mom has a little boy. I catch up to them and see that this little boy loves my mom and loves playing in water. He is splashing and laughing. In my living actual life I have lost both my mom and son.
Dreams involving deceased loved ones can be both comforting and confusing. In this dream, the waterpark setting and the little boy may symbolize joy, happiness, and innocence. The fact that the boy loves your mom in the dream could represent the strong bond they shared while they were alive. The water element in the dream may also signify emotions, healing, and purification.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your longing for those you have lost and a desire to see them happy and carefree. It may serve as a way for your subconscious to process your grief and find some peace and closure. It could also be a gentle reminder of the love and positive memories you shared with your mom and son, bringing you a sense of comfort and connection with them in your dreams.